Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Storyboard Frame Sheet

Here is our updated storyboard in which we added more detail in the types of shots and sound we are going to be using. We also changed the story line to fit into the sub-genre of horror which is demonic/spiritual.

Sketch Frames

No: 1

BBFC film certificate will appear as we are doing a UK release film.
No audio.

No: 2

Our production name and logo will appear on the screen in order to promote our company to other audiences to increase marketing popularity.
The camera will zoom into this.
No audio.

No: 3
‘From the producers of Paranormal Activity and Insidious’
This will appear for two seconds for the purpose of showing the audience that the company is associated with other well-known films and this anchors into the genre of horror and creates cultural capital for the audience towards this genre. This is also known as director marketing. The typography will be bold and big and the camera will zoom into it.
Diegetic sound of an eerie type of music.

No: 4

-Wide shot of the two main characters Mise-en-scene of props will show that they are just moving in to a new house.

Dialogue of the two girls talking and noises in the background.

No: 5

-Close up shot of the doll. Camera will zoom in to reveal the face of the doll.

-Questions are asked about what the doll is
Dialogue of the girls talking. Quiet music when the camera zooms into the doll into a close up shot.

No: 6
‘Based on a true story’
A message will appear. The typography will be bold and big. The camera will zoom into the message before changing to the next scene.
Diegetic quiet music.

No: 7

Jump cuts of loads of shots of the history of the doll. Flash cut editing in order to make the pace faster and create tension to the audience. Mise-en-scene will reveal a de-saturated colour palette here.
Diegetic quiet music. Every shot that appears on the screen, there will be a ‘click’ of a camera sound.

No: 8

Wide shot of the girls having a conversation. They decide to keep the doll.
Dialogue of the girls talking.

No: 9
'This winter she will not be asleep'
A message will appear on the screen to the audience letting them know a hint of the story line.
Diegetic sound of music will be added in here.

No: 10

More jump cuts of scenes from the actual film giving the audience a hint of what they are going to see.
Diegetic sound of fast paced music will be added in here.

No: 11

The screen will be blank here for approximately two-three seconds. This anchors in with the genre as a lot of horror teaser trailers contain these blank screens to build suspense. 
It will be silent in order to build the tension.

No: 12

A random scene of the camera zooming into a carousal (showing the doll in the corner). The camera will be zooming in at a slow pace.
There will be slow diegetic sound added in which will be child play type music.

No: 12

There will be a jump cut, the screen will go blank and then the doll will appear closer to the carousal.
Slow diegetic music added here and will then stop.

No: 13
'Coming Soon'
‘Coming Soon’ will appear on the screen. The typography will be bold and similar to those of other horror teaser trailers.

No: 14

 The title of the film ‘Annabel’ will appear on the screen.

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